jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Development for Africa

Africa is divided into 54 different countries, and as we all know is the poorest inhabited continent in the world being 25 of the countries ranked lowest among all the countries.
All this was cause due to the history of Africa (decolonization, corruption, despotism, etc.), but in the last few years, the world in general has been trying to help in Africa’s development even though its economy it’s still very low and its biggest problem. Some examples are Africa’s trade with China has multiplied by 10 since 2001, reaching over USD 100 billion in 2008.
As we said before, poverty is the main problem in Africa. Besides not being able to grow as a country, it also brings problems like violence, instability, hunger, etc. and if we don’t solve this problem first, it is going to be more difficult to star with other problems; for example we cannot star creating factories, etc. if people don’t have even money to eat. But there are not only catastrophes in Africa. Recently we can see that some parts of the continent have been growing very fast, like Sub-Saharan African countries Angola, Sudan, Malawi, etc.
The economic issue of Africa has been and it still is an important problem for both Africa and the world itself. Many attempts at solving Africa's poverty have been attempted, but few have had any great degree of success.
One of the solutions was that Africa’s countries could become self-sufficient countries. In 1982, The Lagos Plan of Action called for Africa as a whole to block imports from the rest of the world. Another aid was that foreign countries sent food to Africa. But some countries think that this is going to lead to a dependency of other countries.
A problem that now Africa has been trying to solve are the debts. Each year Africa sends more money to Western bankers in interest on its debts than it receives in foreign aid from these countries. The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative was launched in 1996; in the 2000s, eligible countries began receiving debt relief.
The goals that are created to be accomplished by 2023 by The African Union are the creation of a free trade area, a customs union, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency.

Sierra Leone`s development for Africa

Sierra Leone as we all know is the third-lowest-ranked country on the Human Development Index and eighth-lowest on the Human Poverty Index with3/4 of its population living with less than $2 a day. This ranking tells us that Sierra Leone is a very poor country and it is very difficult for the governors of this country to try and help other countries while they are one of the reasons why Africa is underdeveloped. So because of this, all the contributions or most of them that Sierra Leone makes to Africa’s development is within the country’s development.
Sierra Leone`s economy got destroyed most of it in the civil war that lasted from 1991 to 2002. Since 2002,with the help of the USAID, they`ve tried to establish a democratic honest government that will eventually help them to create livelihood opportunities, improve food security, augment civic participation, and build capacity for health service delivery.
Another problem is the maternal and infant mortality rates that they are now the highest in the world, due to its malnutrition and poor health care. The USAID is training community health workers in different places to help the people in their country to have better health; they are also contributing in surgeries and medicines, etc.
A way of solving hunger problems, is by creating more jobs so that people can have more money, and as well as crating more food. The USAID is boosting the agriculture in Sierra Leone by bringing machines that helps with every process of agriculture as well as giving jobs to people who are really needed.
These are a lot of problems that Sierra Leone has, but we are going to start working one by one so that little by little we can build a democratic economical and social country. To have a better economy and society, Sierra Leone needs to find a way of creating jobs for the people, and this is the problem in which we are going to start working first.

Sierra Leone is going to try to focus on 2 problems: education for teenagers that were involved in the civil wars, and the creation of a stronger and democratic country.
After all the conflicts in Sierra Leone, a lot of teenagers that ones participated in the war are now traumatizes, without a family a place to live and money. What we are going to do is try to give them and education, a foster family if its possible and a job which is something that we need to focus on, creating jobs for the people in Sierra Leone, so that they can be able to feed themselves and have money so that after a while they can be able to reintegrate with the people and be independent.
To achieve the goal of having a more democratic honest and better country we want to try and integrate people from first world countries like USA or France in the government so that with their help people that work in our government can learn from them and so that after 2 or 3 government periods our way of ruling the country can resemble to those of a first world country and the we can be able to manage our own government alone without corruption that is one of our main problems in the government

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